SELFISH OR SELFLESS At times trying something where you don’t get anything in return, you will enjoy it. it is like you are helping somebody without expecting anything from him /her. Look for such an opportunity and we know it keeps coming Try being selfless one day and see the difference, it sharpens your mind. you think good and do good. It gives great joy It is experimented with and tested time and again Enhances Self-esteem The majority of the people majority of the time is selfish... One has to develop a habit of becoming Selfless at times otherwise one will remain selfish all the time and deprive himself / herself of many, rewards, great feelings,, and happiness, etc. It is up to you to remain selfish and lose so many benefits... Remain Selfish and lose so many benefits. The ultimate goal of human Existence is Happiness A selfle...
I am a working Executive with Public sector Company. My daily thoughts are going to be useful for self-help and personal growth. I will be sharing my daily thoughts on this platform