Happiness Through Four Hormones
Four Hormones - Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin and Endorphins regulate our mood and well-being.
Here are some simple ways to harness the power of these four harmanes.
First Harmone - Dopamine
Act on areas of brain to produce feelings of pleasure & satisfaction.
What we should do.......
Break down task into smaller achievable goals to create a consistent or regular reward system.
Exercise regularly particularly cardiovascular exercises. Eat food rich in tyrosine (a hydrophilic amino acid which is a constituent of most proteins and is important in the synthesis of some hormones) like cheese, soyabeans, lean meats.
Ensure that you get enough sleep.
What we should not do.....
Do not ruin the natural balance between work, leisure and physical activity.
Do not overindulge in instant gratification for example social media and Junk Food.
Second Harmone - OXYTOCIN
It stimulates positive social interaction, induces anti- stress effects.
Nurture Close relationships, spend quality time and have deep conversations.
Embrace physical contact - Hugs and even a pat on the back, do not forget to leave opportunity to Praise others.
Be kind, Volunteer to help, keep pets and love them, bond with them.
What we should not do....
Do not shun community activities and social networks.
Do not follow a lifestyle that promotes isolation and loneliness.
Third Harmone - SEROTONIN
Stabilizes your mood, regulates sleep patterns, digestion.
Daily...get as much as sun as you can.
Do regular physical activity that uses your body's large muscle groups, should be rhythmic and repetitive.
Eat rich in tryptophan (used for maintenance of the body's protein, muscles, enzymes and neurotransmitters). It is an essential amino acid for our body. This means that our body cannot produce it, so you must get from your diet like nuts, cheese, red meat, chicken, fish, oats, beans, eggs etc and for vitamins one can have fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
What we should not do....
Do not be irregular with your exercise and diet.
And ....do not under-estimate the impact of stress and your negative thinking.
Fourth Harmone - ENDORPHIN
It helps relieve pain, reduce stress and improve sense of well-being.
What we should do.....
Try if you can go for high intensity interval training and endurance sports based on your current stamina and health.
You must know your capacity and keep on increasing it as you pass on more-more time doing exercises.
If you can laugh when you are sick you will get your health back soon.
Your lung capacity expands, improving
respiration and oxygen consumption.
Your immune system is activated- so you can better fight
infection. Your body releases more of the protective T cells that fight virus
and cancer cells.
Endorphins, your body’s natural painkillers- are released into
the brain, decreasing stress.
Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease.
Dance and do whatever is enjoyable for you.
Eat Dark Chocolates sometimes and have spicy food in moderation.
Be creative, write some story or something for the topic are quite passionate or paint using various colors.
What you should not do......
Do not shut out positive social interactions.
Do not scoff at getting a hobby.
Do not over-exert yourself, getting the right balance is the key.
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